Our Team
Emeritus Professor Tim Mazzarol
Founder Director, CEMI
Tim Mazzarol is an Emeritus Professor and Senior Honorary Research Fellow at the UWA Business School. He is also the Director of the Co-operative Enterprise Research Unit (CERU), and Director/Secretary of the Commercialisation Studies Centre Ltd.
Prior to his retirement in December 2022, he was a Winthrop Professor at UWA where he specialised in entrepreneurship, innovation, small business management,
commercialisation, marketing, and strategy.
He is a Qualified Professional Researcher (QPR) with the Australian Research Society, and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management WA (FAIM).
Professor Sophie Reboud
Associate Fellow, CEMI
Sophie Reboud is a Professor at Burgundy School of Business (BSB), Dijon France where she is an entrepreneurship and innovation research Axis coordinator.
Her research and teaching focuses on strategic management, entrepreneurship, innovation, and small business management. She has been a Professor at BSB since 1996, and a lecturer in strategic management at AgroSup, Dijon since 2010.
Sophie has consulted to the French Patent Office (INPI) in strategy and innovation since 2009. She has extensive experience in executive education program delivery and has published widely in both French and English. She has been an Associate of CEMI since 2003, and an Honorary Research Fellow at UWA since 2011.
Gudrun Gilles
Associate Fellow, CEMI
Gudrun Gilles is a strategic advisor to business leaders, start-ups, established not-for-profits, universities, and government departments.
Gudrun’s remarkable industry insight and innovative approach to human services has helped hundreds of organisations deliver the best outcomes for their clients and communities.
Gudrun’s forte is turning obstacles into opportunities and transforming challenges from the root.
She specialises in guiding organisations on how to grow sustainably and achieve success - whether it is through best practice, building agile business structures, or responding to government policy.
Dr. Antoine Musu
Associate Fellow, CEMI
Antoine Musu is a Lecturer in the UWA Business School where he specialises in teaching entrepreneurship and innovation within the MBA and Master of Biotechnology programs. He is also a founder director of the Commercialisation Studies Centre Ltd. (CSC).
His experience includes corporate development and management of hotels and private membership business clubs, working with international operators in Australia, Southeast Asia and Europe, where he was responsible for projects from concept development to opening.
He holds a bachelor's degree in accounting and business from the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, an MBA, Master of Innovation and DBA from UWA.